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Solutions Delivered

  • The physician is the focus of our business. We believe any solution to an ailing healthcare system must feature the physician as the gatekeeper to care; ignoring this imperils success.
  • We advocate shared risks and rewards. We believe that a healthcare system which places limits on physician compensation must also extend these constraints to all other participants.
  • We believe that physicians are entitled to participate as principals in all areas of services and, for the betterment of patient care, merit a key role in governance and control of delivery settings.
  • We support physician-owned outpatient services to complement the range of services they can offer their patients, while controlling costs and offering incremental income opportunities.
  • We gear our services to leveraging physician time and value.
  • We offer the resources that allow you to make prudent, timely business decisions while continuing to devote optimal time to direct patient care.
  • We recognize that healthcare is a local business. We have no requirements for ownership or continuing presence in your venture beyond the scope you desire and value.
  • We structure customized solutions for you, not cookie-cutter models. Our partners will utilize their years of experience in all facets of planning, development, and oversight of ambulatory health ventures to balance financing, start-up, and operational needs for all components you want to include in a project.

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